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Health care is deemed as a fundamental human right, hence in accordancewith Nepal's Constitution, the State is automatically required to provide it.Access to high-quality care is still a privilege even though Nepal's 2015constitution guaranteed basic health care as a fundamental right. Thegovernment has worked to increase access to healthcare, but more attentionmust be paid to the structure and functioning of the health system as well asopportunities to integrate the quality-of-care agenda into policy discussions.

A lack of quality in service expansion will probably not lead to better healthprotection. It is necessary to improve accessibility to high-quality healthcare,enhance access to affordable healthcare, and build extensive healthcareinfrastructures with skilled workers.In order to advocate for improved healthcare in Nepal, theNational HealthSummit is being organized by the Nepal Medical Association. Academics,health professionals, concerned stakeholders, policy makers, and people fromall walks of life would benefit from the information, knowledge, andexperience shared at this event.

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